Elmer wrote of gunmen carrying Colt SAs without barrels

by JohnKDM, Thursday, September 14, 2023, 19:47 (371 days ago)

in specially prepared coat pockets. Anyone try it? I did, while I had the barrel off my 480A for rust bluing. Fired a cylinder full (with some trepidation) and when everything looked fine - no frame thread damage - I loaded up five more and fired them at a sheet of plywood at seven yards with a video camera running. Of course, with no front sight it was a case of 'look over the topstrap' but it worked surprisingly well.

From the pics, you can see one slug tipped and two of the 290gr slugs landed sideways... and yet, the group would be quite effective at the usual social distance. Later, I chrono'd these and they ran 650fps instead of 900fps with the 4.75" barrel.






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