Oh exciting memories.

by cas, Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 12:17 (372 days ago) @ JimT

Not 'dillos but dogs.

When I was little it was my sworn duty to defend our yard from any stray dogs. (probably to protect our little Toy Fox Terrier, but as a kid I didn't make the connection, I was just doing as instructed.) If ever a dog entered our yard it was my job to get them gone. I can remember the excitement when a big dog would wonder into out yard. Oh it was like Christmas morning! Excited, I would run to the cellar door, behind which was kept my father's late 40's(?) Red Ryder. I'd run back to the front door, cock that sucker, sneak the front door open and plunk the pooch in the butt. Looking back I might think "that wasn't very nice, shooting those poor dogs", but dang it I had a job to do. And with that tired old gun, and the distances I was shooting them at, I know I wasn't hurting them (having been shot with that very gun not too many years later). I laugh all the time thinking about how seriously I took it, and excited it made me.


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