I’ve been around awhile

by Otony, Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 19:06 (373 days ago) @ cable

Not exactly sure when I showed up, it was either 1998 or 1999.

I’ve been blessed to meet quite a few of you folks, those from the western states. Never attended CSA or the events in Arizona, though I have wanted to dearly. One of the greatest pleasures of my life was driving over to Idaho for John Taffin’s banquet! What an experience, a night of true camaraderie. I will NEVER forget when a bunch of us realized to our astonishment that not only had we closed the hotel lobby bar, we hadn’t even noticed the bartender slip away!

I’ve been sorrowed to see the passing of too many of us, both internet friends and tangible friends. There are too many that have slipped by the wayside as well, Cazador (Bill) and I used to chew the fat till we were both plum wore out. Now I’m embarrassed to say I’ve lost touch, no idea of his status. He was in poor health last I knew, sigh.

So many memories, and as we all know, those memories become increasingly more precious because they slowly dwindle and are lost. Memory Eternal is well meant and heartfelt but at a certain point who is left to remember?

Hold fast gentlemen, hold fast


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