One thing I will always remember.

by cas, Monday, September 11, 2023, 22:10 (374 days ago) @ Creeker

Sitting in the "living room" of Joe's house (a maybe 200+ year old farm house that didn't look a day over 150 ;-) ) Very "rustic".
I was sitting in a chair on one side of the doorway to the kitchen, he was on the other side sitting in a chair or on the couch. I looked over at him, he looked at me and gave me this look as if to say... 'What the hell are we doing here?" :-D

I've said it before, while I'd seen him several times in local gun stores, I'd never met him before that trip. And honestly we didn't talk all that much at the time, I guess cause we assumed now that we'd been introduced we'd see each other often. I never did.

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