Don Sikes - from Facebook

by Paul ⌂, Monday, September 11, 2023, 18:58 (374 days ago)

Don died last night. He went peacefully in his sleep. He was my love... my best friend.. and the kindest, most gentle soul I ever met. There is no way I can sum up what a unique and wonderful man that he was in this stupid letter to my heart. My heart which is broken now.. cries out for him. I keep thinking that I will wake up and this will all have been a bad dream.

Don was a gifted musician. A warm-hearted animal lover. My partner in adventures for thirty one years. He'd want me to say something about his 22 years in the Air Force and his last decade as gentleman farmer. And most importantly... he loved his family dearly.

Don had friends all over the world and kept in touch with them thru FB and the like. Some from his military days and some from his childhood in south San Antonio.

I have no way other than FB to notify his friends of his passing. There will be no public service. He wouldn't want that. In lieu of anything, Don would want you to remember him fondly and to hug your loved ones and tell them how much you love them while you can.


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