Thank you fordyce and philo.....

by RayLee, Sunday, September 03, 2023, 19:35 (382 days ago)
edited by RayLee, Sunday, September 03, 2023, 19:50

Er, pardon.....misters beals and remington.....

and all the angelos, antonios, guidos and giovannis at armo san marcos, armi san paolo, pietta & uberti.....


Odd that the middle one, a lyman labeled armi san paolo that codes to 1975 is marked "new model army" but has the flush forcing cone of the original beals' first run and not the "fouling scraper" protrusion of the actual "new model".

The one on the right is a lyman labeled uberti that codes to 1972 and is marked "new model navy". It has twice the forcing cone protrusion of the one to its left but the foto perspective does not show it. The modern piettas & ubertis have 3/8ths of an inch of barrel threads showing through the frames.

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