The fun continues...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, August 28, 2023, 16:36 (388 days ago)

There's no liberal idiocy so useless that the powers that be won't give it a try. Apparently the idea of a library of "ballistic fingerprints" of individual weapons has been germinated and is in the process of coming to fruition. I just got an email regarding an appointment to have the PPPPPP enrolled in aforesaid registry. Something I didn't even ask for or know that it existed. So far investigation turns up that last year this idea was put into the process of becoming a requirement for all legal owners of legal firearms down here. The email gives little information other than the date and time and the requirement that one actually pay for the privilege of having this action committed. Hmmmm... I see a trip to the battalion headquarters coming up. Makes me wonder what they'll be charging for the "privilege".

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