The saga continues... fun dealing with gv'mental monopolies.

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 10:33 (400 days ago)

This morning I logged in to try the system out as far as obtaining the means of utilizing my newly re-permitted sixgun. I'm not hurting for fodder at the moment, but figure I need to obtain a box prior to going through a box in order to keep plenty on hand "just in case".

So I logged into the system, told them I want to obtain ammunition in order to practice with my weapon (you've got to "justify" the need to purchase) and was taken to the page to select which weapon it's for (only one I've got here) and then to the page to select which ammo I desire to obtain. The one option was "Box - 50 rounds - imported". Imported? Apparently so, I've heard rumors that the current commander in chief has hogtied the national production of arms and ammo, one can only speculate as to why such an asinine decision was taken.

Next up is to select the number of boxes desired. Just for grins I tried 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6... but no matter how many or how few the same result came up. "Insufficient stock on hand. Unable to fulfill order." or words to that effect. Yep, be wary of allowing central planning and government monopoly on the means of defense of self, home and property.

I'll keep checking back to see when/if they bring 38 SPL ammo back to town. 9mm was on hand (surprise, surprise) and I don't recall if it was $1+ per round or $2+ per round. Either way the FMJ available was priced like real self defense ammo up north. And now that I think about it, I don't recall if that was imported or national production, but the box was unfamiliar so it's either redesigned national production or imported from ??? Again, since I've no such weapon here, I didn't pay that much attention.

There is handwriting on the wall for the US...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 11:26 (400 days ago) @ Paul

if one chooses to see it.

A quick prayer that you get what you need.

Now's the time to lay up supplies up there...

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 11:40 (400 days ago) @ Hoot

as there's little to indicate an improvement in conditions any time soon. Here? Well, we're seeing the effects of what happens when folks ignore history and put an "ex" guerilla in charge of the country. We definitely are living in "interesting times". As mentioned, I'm not hurting for supplies, just don't have a means of replacing any burnt up right now. We'll see how long the drought lasts. At least I got several hundred rounds of practice in while up north this year. Missed out on a lot of stuff at Holiday, but benefited tremendously from Matt's pistol class in the mornings. I'd just like to practice some of it with my usual carry piece... all in good time.

I had a bunch of supplies, both loaded and components.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 12:57 (400 days ago) @ Paul

When my Dad passed, my brother and I split up everything. I ran out of room for the loaded ammo as well as components. But I keep looking for more...

I'm having trouble these days finding the time to shoot it all. Sorry, not trying to rub it in; I know it's a blessing.

There is handwriting on the wall for the US...

by anachronism, Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 22:38 (400 days ago) @ Hoot


The saga continues... fun dealing with gv'mental monopolies.

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 13:59 (400 days ago) @ Paul

Are you allowed to buy ammo for a gun you don’t own? And if so, can you trade or sell it? Just wondering if you could pick up sone 9mm and maybe work a trade with someone you know at the gun club or something.


In the immortal words of Pres. Biden

by JT, Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 15:21 (400 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Coming soon to a country you dearly love

The saga continues... fun dealing with gv'mental monopolies.

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 16:00 (400 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Nope. You're not supposed to have any ammo for any gun for which you do not have a license to possess. To purchase ammo LEGALLY you've got to go through the g'vt website set up for such a thing. Then go to the store on the army base where they have it in stock. I've not checked the Brigade store just south of us. It's only about 30 miles, but through one of the most expensive toll gates in the country, which (along with travel time and fuel) raises the cost per round measurably. :-| I'm in no hurry, don't rightly have the $$ right now to make the purchase so was just checking "for science" as it's all new since last year. Before that you just showed up with a photo copy of your license and your ID card and bought the bit of ammo they deemed you worthy of being allowed to take possession of. They've even clamped down on the shotgunners now. It used to be the shotgunners could buy a case or two of ammo and take possession of it t a sanctioned shoot. Now they're only selling them enough at the shoot to take care of their needs at the shoot itself. Needless to say, that doesn't account for practice ammo. Shucks, the last time I bought ammo was at a shotgun shoot, and they had 38 ammo along as well as 9mm and several other calibers as well. BUT you're not allowed to buy anything for which you don't have currently legal papers for.

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