The saga continues... fun dealing with gv'mental monopolies.

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 10:33 (400 days ago)

This morning I logged in to try the system out as far as obtaining the means of utilizing my newly re-permitted sixgun. I'm not hurting for fodder at the moment, but figure I need to obtain a box prior to going through a box in order to keep plenty on hand "just in case".

So I logged into the system, told them I want to obtain ammunition in order to practice with my weapon (you've got to "justify" the need to purchase) and was taken to the page to select which weapon it's for (only one I've got here) and then to the page to select which ammo I desire to obtain. The one option was "Box - 50 rounds - imported". Imported? Apparently so, I've heard rumors that the current commander in chief has hogtied the national production of arms and ammo, one can only speculate as to why such an asinine decision was taken.

Next up is to select the number of boxes desired. Just for grins I tried 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6... but no matter how many or how few the same result came up. "Insufficient stock on hand. Unable to fulfill order." or words to that effect. Yep, be wary of allowing central planning and government monopoly on the means of defense of self, home and property.

I'll keep checking back to see when/if they bring 38 SPL ammo back to town. 9mm was on hand (surprise, surprise) and I don't recall if it was $1+ per round or $2+ per round. Either way the FMJ available was priced like real self defense ammo up north. And now that I think about it, I don't recall if that was imported or national production, but the box was unfamiliar so it's either redesigned national production or imported from ??? Again, since I've no such weapon here, I didn't pay that much attention.

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