If anyone's keeping track...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, August 14, 2023, 12:36 (402 days ago)

We started the renewal on my pistol permit back in October. It's been one "interesting" thing after another, but today I was given the deposit slip to pay for the new permit. Roughly $128 US for three years - and probability of it being suspended (ie: not allowed to actually carry) is very high (it is de facto now as the president made a decree on January 1 which extends to December 31 of this year).

Keep up the fight, gentlemen. When rights become privileges then government will hinder, hamper, infringe on and do their best to destroy those rights "for the greater good". Once the permit actually comes through I'll see if they even have 38 ammo available so as to pick up some practice ammo. Sure do miss my cache of components and equipment up north which make the 38 a relatively inexpensive proposition to shoot.

In the window at the battalion army store they had a 50 round box of Eley Club 22 LR ammo for roughly $27.30 and the Sport version of the round for $10 more. Eley claims the club is the higher quality of the two so I don't understand the price difference and in the opposite direction from what one would expect. It's moot, anyway, as I've no 22 platform down here.

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