So I took a guy to the range. Early today, like sunup.

by A K Church, Sunday, August 13, 2023, 13:20 (403 days ago)

Work with him. He wanted to shoot a suppressor.

OK it was raining hard, so we kept it to a minimum. One magazine full, and head back to town. My Smith .22 is stainless, so the rain wasn't an immediate threat to the pistol, but possible hypothermia was a threat to us..

The 12 rounds fired were louder than expected. I was figuring on a little louder than usual, because wet air is dense air, and sound is not travelling away efficiently. And I was shooting it dry. But it was a LOT louder than I expected...because I grabbed the wrong can. The one with the baffles soaking in a glass jar of Ballistol.

So Eric didn't really shoot a suppressor today, he shot an empty metal tube.

We'll try again.

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