by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Thursday, August 10, 2023, 04:04 (407 days ago) @ JimT

I heard that saying years back, before the turn of the century, and it still holds true today.

It’s nice to get a raise every year, but it really seems that you are barely breaking even with the cost increase of things. I try to buy some silver every once in awhile, telling myself it’s a stockpile of value. I really think it’s a savings for me, because if I have ‘extra’ cash on hand, I’m more likely to spend it. If I have the same value in silver around, I’d have to go sell it then get the cash to spend, so it just stays in the gu safe instead. Maybe one day something really neat will come up and I’ll go cash it all in, or maybe my boys will be counting it out in 30-40 years and wondering what to do with it after I’m gone!


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