At Academy Today

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, August 09, 2023, 09:01 (408 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Funny. When I was in college my cousin and I'd go buy a brick of Federal Lightning ammo apiece and head out into the chat piles on our motorcycles and burn it up through our Ruger Mk II's. We both had the 6 7/8" (IIRC) tapered target barreled pistols and would compete at shooting tiny targets. Somewhere I may still have the half of a penny that stayed in the crack of the rock where he put it and bet me two rounds of ammo I couldn't hit it on the first shot from how ever far back we were. The two rounds of ammo went down range soon after they came into my possession. :-D It wasn't until much later that the bulk packs came into play. A brick of ammo was a sizable investment for a college kid with only part time employment. BUT the enjoyment we'd get from those excursions is remembered to this day.

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