CCI Std Vel is the stuff of choice, but.....

by A K Church, Monday, August 07, 2023, 14:53 (409 days ago) @ Slow Hand

I'm still in possession of a large amount of 36 grain Remington subsonic, not considered that choice a round.

And that's what I was shooting yesterday morning.

Internet wisdom is that the stuff, now discontinued, was average to poor. I've had no issues with it, it seems to function 100% and is indeed subsonic. It's dirty, and the smudge-y case necks indicate in is likely a might under pressured.

But I have a lot because I was one of those scoundrels who hoarded ammo during the pandemic, & really still do. Said Remington had the endearing trait of showing up regularly at Bass Pro, and Whale~Mart. It also was in 100 round boxes, so when The Big W- limited you to one box, you were getting 100 vs. 50.

So I have a soft spot for it, but that doesn't mean I'm not trying to burn it all up.

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