Ball vs Conical?

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, August 03, 2023, 08:06 (414 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Years ago I experimented with the Ruger Old Army using conicals. The Lee mold for the ROA casts a decent projectile that's not too long and gave good results. I've not tried them in any other type of sixgun though. IIRC Elmer Keith preferred the round ball over the conical due to the conicals of the day penetrating without doing much damage - or maybe I'm misremembering that bit. Anyway, there's a lot to be said for the round ball in a cap and ball sixgun. I'd not get as creative with the Colt style open top resolvers, but in a soli frame you'd be amazed what the old smoke generators can do. Another upside of the ball loads is that you save lead over the conical. Unless you're hunting something that needs more penetration, saving lead's a good thing!

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