I'm blaming this one (Mauser 71/84) on Doug...

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, July 27, 2023, 07:30 (421 days ago)

With his post about the early 1851 Navy by Navy Arms I started to do a quick info search (instead of getting down to work like I SHOULD do, of course - haven't finished my first cup of coffee is my excuse). And Navy Arms' site popped up.

What intrigues me is that when I tried to follow a link on their home page for info on 77/84 Mausers, I got a "Access Denied you filthy foreigner" page instead of the info page. Here's the link to the Old Western Scrounger page linked from Navy Arms' landing page.


There IS more than one way to skin a cat, so I fired up the Opera browser with its VPN and got the following info on them.

Three grades available.

Grade 1 - no cracked stocks. $1,299.95
Grade 2 - cracked stocks. $ 895.00
Grade 3 - Solid Rubber Prop $ 699.95

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