Favorite plinkers..

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, July 08, 2023, 10:57 (439 days ago) @ JimT

When I was about 15, I traded into an H&R 949 which shot exactly to the sights. With a steady hold (easier in those days) it would keep all nine on an empty paper 22 cartridge box at 20 paces.

I missed the old H&R over the years, so when this 649 popped up I grabbed it. It shot high and I've been working the rear sight down a little at a time. I'm just about there and this is six SuperX 22 HP from the LR cylinder at 50 yards. Amazingly, the WMR cylinder prints to the same POI using 40 grain WW JHP.


These are kind of ridiculous DA revolvers, with their plow handle grip and side-gate loading. But they shoot OK and bring back a lot of happy memories.

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