An "OOPS" at The Holiday

by JimT, Texas, Friday, June 23, 2023, 18:05 (454 days ago)

The gun of mine that I shot the most at The Shootists Holiday was the Bowen 41 Magnum that Jack Pender left to me. It's the favorite among the favorites and Tuesday I ran about a hundred rounds through it. Wednesday I was trying out some 200 and 300 yards rocks with it when, after I pulled the trigger it did not go BANG and recoil .. it went "PIFFLE" and nothing.

I opened the loading gate to remove the live rounds left in the cylinder but could not rotate the cylinder out. I thought maybe the bullet was caught between the cylinder and throat, but a rod down the bore revealed the bullet had traveled about an inch and a half into the bore. Obviously the primer had flowed back around the firing pin locking it forward so I whacked the cylinder really hard with the side of my fist and it popped out.

I didn't have what I needed to get the bullet out and since it was getting time to shut t he range down I just put it all in the gun case and left it till I got home. Today I took a rod that was almost bore diameter and using the old hammer handle that I cut the sprue on the molds with, I tapped it and the bullet moved. A couple light whacks and it was out.

There was no unburned powder and from the marks on the bullet I could tell it was just the primer that fired. SOMEONE ON MY LOADING CREW LEFT THE POWDER CHARGE OUT AND DID NOT CHECK IT! This is UNACCEPTABLE and as soon as I can discover who that person was I will have their a.s.s. fired!

There are only 3 on the crew so it should not take more than 6 months to figure out who did this ... using the best government standards of investigation as demonstrated on tv by the ruling party.

The 3 are: Me, Myself and I.



Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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