Made it Home yesterday afternoon ...(June 22nd) ..

by JimT, Texas, Friday, June 23, 2023, 10:25 (455 days ago)

by-passed El Paso, went through Carlsbad, NM. Spent the night there. Drove through Hobbs, NM .. down to San Angelo, TX ... over through Lampassas, TX and home. Texas back roads are 75 mph and most times nobody is driving that slow. I passed a cop now and then when I was running 80 but hardly anyone else was going that slow! Not much traffic. A lot of the way I didn't see a vehicle ahead of me or behind me until I got near a rare larger town. It was a good trip.

Sure was nice seeing old friends. I took 3 guns and fired 2 of them. Didn't take much ammo and brought quite a bit of it home. Spent more time visiting and really enjoyed it.

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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