Double ball loads in a Ruger Old Army

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 10:02 (458 days ago) @ Paul

If I have it’s been years but I do remember loading them in .45 Colt. Something I read in a Venturino article back in the late 90’s and had to try out. I remember them doing ok, hitting 2-3” apart at fairly close range. I think I put a lubed Winder Was between the two of them. You could also roll them in liquid alox and let them dry before loading. The good thing about the Colt brass is you can crimp the front ball at the case mouth. They really delivered a 1-2 punch to bowling pins but weren’t ‘technically’ legal for our local CAS matches where we often shot bowling pins so I didn’t load many of them up and haven’t since.


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