Didja know ?

by Otony, Sunday, June 04, 2023, 00:11 (474 days ago) @ A K Church
edited by Otony, Sunday, June 04, 2023, 14:22

They have been gone for at least a decade, perhaps more. Revised to say it has been close to two decades, and Weatherby no longer makes them. I believe the company was purchased by Roy Weatherby or one of his sons. They continued to sell the rings for a few years then, not sure of the current status.

I may well have gazed upon that house in my college days. One of my drafting professors was a FLW fan, and we traveled around the Greater Bay Area to ooh and aah over a few of his creations.


Came back to add this:

Found this on the web https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maynard_Buehler_House

Indeed, I have seen that house. It looked better 50 years ago, as opposed to the photo in the Wikipedia article. The cement blocks were far cleaner then

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