Here we go again, but a lot more serious

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Friday, June 02, 2023, 20:54 (475 days ago)
edited by Miles, Friday, June 02, 2023, 23:12

Pop's in the hospital again.
Fell down earlier in the afternoon and off he went to the E.R.

We and the EMTs crossed our fingers that is might only be a dislocation, but not so. He broke his right hip high up just under the 'ball joint', as well as a few scrapes suffered on the way down to the garage floor.
The 'official' diagnosis is: Displaced right subcapital femoral neck fracture.

I just returned from the hospital and will turn in early so as to be back in the early a.m. when surgery is scheduled to replace the hip joint, as that seems to be the current way the orthopedists TCOB.

Keep those prayers a comin' as we'll be needing every one for the next couple of months.

Esse sine metu in facie inimici tui. Sit fortis et rectus quod Deus ut amo te. Veritatem dico semper etiam si eam ducit ad mortem tuam. Tuendam inops et facere no mali.

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