And then there was...

by A K Church, Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 20:52 (478 days ago) @ Hoot

Came out in the late 80s, I think. Cooperative venture between Charter and Federal. 9mm Federal was pretty much a 9x19 with a .38 Special rim grafted to it.

Best I recall the deal was it would chamber and fire in many .38 S&W chambered revolvers. Lets say you find a Forehand and Wadsworth latchtop .38 S&W in Grandad's attic. And you load it with 35,000psi ammo. Not good, and a fair chance the old relic would let go on the first cylinder full, heck maybe on the first round.

Potential liability was great. I've never seen the Charter chambered for this, and seen little indeed of the ammo. I was in Raton NM in the summer of 1998, and was right surprised to see a box for sale in a local gun shop. Needless to say, 25 years later, it doesn't exist, pretty much.

Anyway, it was dropped like a bad habit.

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