S&W Model 15

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Thursday, May 25, 2023, 08:51 (484 days ago) @ A K Church

I’m pretty sure I’ve only ever owned one Model 15, but it’s a great one. My late aunt’s first husband was a cop, back in the 70’s. She bought him a Model 15 for a present when he graduated the academy. He eventually got into the Narc side and back then a 4” .38 pretty much painted you as a cop so he started carrying other, smaller guns undercover. When they divorced she kept the gun, but with a small daughter around, she was nervous of having the gun so she gave it to my dad for safekeeping. Many years later, I got my carry permit in Indiana. I got it while I was away at school and when dad saw an envelope from the Indiana State Police, he assumed I had gotten a speeding ticket on my way back to school! He opened it up and realized what it was, so next time home he gave me Aunt Sara’s Smith. It has one roof the smoothest and lightest actions I’ve ever felt in both DA and SA! I shot a five gallon bucket load of reloads through it while I was over in IL. We had a small weekly ‘defensive pistol’ match and I’d shoot it almost every week there. Carried it in an old Roy Baler pancake. I cut down some nicely figured aftermarket target grips and out a Tyler T-Grip on it. It doesn’t get shot much but it’ll be around as long as I am![image]


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