One more model designation, sort of...

by A K Church, Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 18:30 (484 days ago) @ Hoot

S&W made very many indeed of the K38 during WWII, chambered in the Anglicized version of .38 S&W, the .38-200. Lend-Lease stuff for the British and Commonwealth. And of course .38 Spec guns.

After the war they sold dribs and drabs of new .38-200 guns to nations who'd taken a liking to the overbuilt, underpowered-for-the-size revolvers. I suspect these were new frames with leftover WWII barrels and cylinders. Never seen one outside of photos, and apparently these were never advertised.

The unofficial internal designation for these newer production .38-200 K frames was the "Model 11".

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