Caliber Choices

by JimT, Texas, Monday, May 22, 2023, 08:18 (487 days ago)

I have always been a fan of large bore sixguns. For many many years my favorite choice was the .45 Colt and I still have a place in my heart for it. When it comes to autoloaders I prefer the big old fat slow .45 ACP. That's my first choice if I am carrying one. I have read how the 9mm has been improved over the years with better bullets and I understand that a lot of research has been done. And while I will admit that I do own a 9mm, I have to say I have never carried it as a CCW gun. It just doesn't feel right. It's not a physical feeling, it's a mental one! The gun is a Star BM and is accurate, runs without a stutter, has good sights and a good trigger. It's me. I do not feel comfortable carrying it. If it was the only gun I had available I would use it. But as long as I have a choice I will choose a larger caliber if I am carrying an autoloader.


It has a beveled magazine well from the factory.

And Star made the magazines correctly so the follower plate cannot tip.

However I prefer the larger caliber. I like the .357 Magnum and use one a lot. However, when carrying a sixgun I still like the larger calibers. It's one of those weird personal disorders that afflicts humans. Personal Preference. Sometimes it makes no sense but it is the way we feel, individually.

And let me state here, I am not trying to convince anyone that my personal preference is better than someone else's! NO! I firmly believe that for a self-defense weapon a person should carry what they have confidence in and are completely comfortable mentally and physically with. I am totally serious about that.

Whatever you carry .. PLEASE be sure and practice with it enough that you can use it without having to think about it. (just a friendly reminder)

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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