How is Triple7

by A K Church, Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 03:18 (492 days ago) @ JimT

in regard to fouling the cylinder arbor? That was always the biggest issue I had with my repro '51 and '61 Navies back in the day. In the day, meaning the Carter administration.

The formula was store bought .375 round balls, I think like 15 grains by volume of Curtis & Harvey 3F, and the once omnipresent Italian #11 caps. Lube was Crisco.

After 3 cylinders full, and sometimes after 2, the arbor would get grungy enough that the whole action was sluggish, and a disassembly and cleaning was in order.

The brass framed Spiller and Burr copy I shot a lot back then, seemed much better sealed again that sort of issue.

In those days or yore, J C Penney's had the best assortment of black powder gear in town. Also you had to make sure you had caps stocked up if you wanted to shoot on Sunday. Caps could not be sold in town on Sunday due the Blue Laws we had in place. The past was weird place.

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