Lots of variables!

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Saturday, May 06, 2023, 15:53 (502 days ago) @ JimT

Like you said; it changes from time to time. I have a few guns that I would never get rid of, but they aren’t the most shot or the most practical. My wife got me my ‘Skeeter gun’ a 7.5” 32/20 SAA USFA from Turnbull that I can’t imagine ever letting go of. Also my chopped down Model 8 Remington in .35 cal is one that is dear to my heart.
My local range is pistol and pistol caliber only so that has affected what I shoot the most. I’ve only had it out once or twice but I am seriously in love with shooting my rough old Marlin 39A .22.
I lusted after a .45 Colt mountain gun for years and now have one and really like shooting it as well.
I just realized I haven’t been to the range since I bought my hot rod Model A. I need to change that soon!


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