Trapdoor Springfield

by A K Church, Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 09:52 (520 days ago)

Couple weeks back, got to shoot a sound, decent bore example of a later production infantry rifle. M1884, maybe.

Now in my late teens and early 20s, I shot other folks trapdoors quite a bit. Say roughly Jimmy Carter into Reagan's first term. But not at all since.

This one was a cast bullet w/ black powder lube over 60 or so grains by volume of FF. Launched with great authority, and I hit the admittedly large gong @ 100 with the first round. Then fired 4 more.

Now I am of the opinion that the action is a rinkydink device which was t-totally inferior to the rolling block. It's only advantage was that the US gov't didn't have to pay royalties on the in house design.

However, that's theoretical. The concrete part is that the things are piles of fun to shoot, and when it's burning charcoal, better still.

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