I took the old H&R to the Range today.

by JimT, Texas, Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 15:28 (540 days ago)

I shot Long Range with it. TWENTY FEET!! I used the .375" Round Ball ... the Bear Creek 96 gr. cast bullet and the Bear Creek 124 gr. cast 9mm bullet. All shots were offhand.

96 gr. Bear Creek bullet and 10 gr. FFg




It took me awhile to sort of see the sights. These sights were made for young people with really good eyesight.

But it didn't blow up or break which is a plus.

It does shoot to the left a bit, but at the ranges it would be used that does not hurt anything. Considering where it came from to now it shoots pretty durn well.

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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