One like that was what I was looking for

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Wednesday, March 08, 2023, 11:26 (562 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

It’s funny because I wasn’t really looking for one, already having a few various .45 Smtihs. This one was at auction a couple weeks back and the price seemed awfully low so I I threw a fairly low bid at it and ended up winning!

As to the long held beliefs, I agree with you on those points. I have read many times that they had fairly shallow rifling from
The factory. I have also read and heard they will not shoot cast bullets well, but I have seen just the opposite several times. I don’t have a set of plug gauges and haven’t measured mine at all yet, butninfigurenill give it a try with my standard 200gr lead reload and some factory 230 fmj. Mr Taffin has some good, warmer loads for 255-ish cast bullets in the acp that brings it right up to factory.45 Colt levels of performance and they have worked well for me in a couple different revolvers. It looks like I will be off work Friday and if the rain and high of 40° doesn’t big me too much I may go give it a quick try at the range!

Hope yours does well!


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