If you want a measure, take a look

by Paul ⌂, Saturday, March 04, 2023, 07:07 (566 days ago) @ Slow Hand

at the Lee measure. It's cheap. It's flimsy. It's not esthetically pleasing. But it works. I can't recall the charge off the top of my head, think it was 1.9gr of .... Unique? Bullseye? 231? What ever I wrote down. Anyway, it was able to go that low and was repeatable and consistent. Like I said, it's not the type of measure one drags out to brag about the beautiful bit of workmanship that went into it. But for being a conglomeration of mold injected and stamped aluminum parts it does good work. And you can crank it down to very low amounts of powder.

On the other hand, I've loaded scads of ammo using the 22 LR or 22 Short case on a copper wire handle and didn't even bother with the scale once I knew what charge it was throwing. Not something I'd recommend doing if you're on the ragged edge of safety, but works great for low level plinking loads.

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