Thanks, JT!

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Thursday, February 23, 2023, 15:56 (574 days ago) @ JT

Yes, thank you Mr Taffin. I have had an interest in the 1878 Colt since buying a relic co Siri on one years ago at an auction. I haven’t jumped into buying a shootable or nearly shootable one, since I like projects.

I have been fortunate enough to own a few New Services and I really like them. I just sold a .38/40 that shot well, but nearly a foot low. I tried various loads and bullet weights and it still shot very low. I figured it had survived a century with the shark fin front sight still in tact and I wasn’t going to be the bad guy to file it down so I moved it down the road.

I have had a really rough .455 that was trimmed for .45 acp in moon clips and .45 AR. I load it to close to original specs and it shoots surprisingly well with how horrible the bore is.

I also lucked into an affordable 1909 in .45 Colt that is a wonderful revolver to shoot. I’m honestly not sure if I like it or my .45 Colt mountain gun more!

Lastly I picked up a mush mash that looks like a 1917 frame but the cylinder is .45 Colt and the barrel
Is from who k owns where and is around 8”! It’s pretty loose and even though it shoots, it’s kind of a project. I have another.455 6-1/2” barrel here that I’m thinking of putting on the oddball long Tom and maybe even cutting it to 4”.

I have liked S&W N frames for along time but they seem
To beat up my hands. The colts don’t seem as abusive with the same level loads (6.0 red dot under a 454424)


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