Jim, I had a friend....Love the big Meplat

by Mike P @, Tuesday, February 14, 2023, 15:17 (583 days ago) @ Glen

I have one of the MP HBWC 98 grain molds. I realy like it. Accurate, effective, easy on ears and powder. However...last Summer, whilst inspecting the garden for insects I spotted a Large Slug who had not yet hidden from the rising sun.... I drew the Ruger Single 7, 327 Fed Mag smoothly taking carefull aim so I didn't risk damage to the young squash vines. At a range of 6 feet, I was gratified to see the slug vaporized... less so as the slight breeze made me aware that I was wearing a fair quantity of the remains. This thing started out larger than my thumb by far.:-(

AKA zzr7ky

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