All the cool kids are doing it....

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, February 08, 2023, 21:44 (589 days ago)

Well, that's what I told her to make her smile.

Seriously though, Melodie went in for a routine colonoscopy this afternoon and the doctor didn't like her heartbeat. It was very elevated and erratic. He said it's normal for it to be elevated (as well as BP) but the erratic bit bothered him. He told us to make haste over to the ER and have things checked out. They got her into a bay straight away and got her monitored. A couple of EKG's later, they pumped in some potion to slow her heart rate down, which worked. They did an ultrasound and sniffed around a bit. Decided to keep her overnight with more tests in the morning. I left when they came to put her up in a room.

The doctors don't seem to be "uber-concerned" like she's going to have a stroke any minute now but they do want to get a handle on things before letting go of her. In theory, that will happen tomorrow and we'll get her back home tout de suite.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you!

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