Way back in the early 2000's...

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, February 08, 2023, 06:57 (590 days ago) @ JimT

the fine folk from this forum, former denizens of the Sixgunner Forum and such, pooled together to enable yours truly to purchase a Llama Cassidy in 38 spl. The first one I took back for guarantee and the second one was similar in the issues it presented - so I "ran with it". The cylinder locks up just out of perfect alignment with the barrel, leading to leading on the left side of the forcing cone. So while we were up north one time an order was placed at Brownell's for one 38 caliber Taylor Throating Reamer. Once back down here I removed the cylinder and carefully cut the throat into the barrel. Whereas before the work I'd find a definite "shelf" when sliding a rod along the inside of the barrel as the rod encountered the cylinder, the throating job took care of that and there was a smooth transition from the barrel to the chamber, or from the chamber to the barrel which is what I was looking for. So it's still misaligned (I've no access to spare parts and thus hesitate to attempt fixing that) but now it no longer leads. This improved accuracy somewhat, although it's no prize winning bullseye gun (unless I'm shooting against locals who never shoot) it is good enough for its purpose.

At the time the job was done I'd no chronograph so no way to measure changes in the velocity. What I HAVE found is that every Llama assembled in country has the same misalignment of cylinder to barrel. I've throated a couple such revolvers to help improve their performance.

All that to say, it's a very useful modification. And the folks who made up the reamers for Brownell's kindly emailed me upon my inquiry to inform me that they no longer make the reamers, more's the pity.

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