Merry Christmas To All

by JimT, Texas, Saturday, December 24, 2022, 11:18 (636 days ago)

We are approaching one of the two holidays celebrated around the globe that commemorate
Jesus of Nazareth. Christmas marking his birth is fast approaching. While the date is debated,
this event is celebrated world-wide. Yes, there are some that do not observe his birth.
However the majority of the planet does in one way or another. And yes, many who celebrate
the holiday give no thought to what it stands for. But they do observe it!

One man, born several thousand years ago in a little town in a small Middle Eastern nation
somehow impacted history, cultures and practices throughout the entire world! And though he
did not come to start a new religion, yet there are billions of people on this planet who
acknowledge him in their religion no matter what that religion is!

Even though there is a movement these days to cancel Jesus we might want to take a bit of
time and remember that he is the reason for the Christmas Season. Since his birth Jesus has
always frightened governments. From the time of his birth they have tried to cancel him but it
has not worked for two thousand years and it never will! In addition, in spite of the hatred
shown against him, his message is still one of peace and love. His prayer is still “Father.
Forgive them. They don't know what they are doing.” And as has been said, “Wise men still
worship him!”


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