More Polishing

by JimT, Texas, Monday, December 12, 2022, 17:48 (647 days ago) @ JimT

Ha! I have pictures with this one.
I like the little Bearcat Shopkeeper EXCEPT for the verbiage under the barrel. I have never liked the lawyer-inspired READ THE MANUAL stamped on the Rugers.

So I pulled the ejector rod and housing off the Bearcat and using a fine jewelers file I drawfiled the stamping until I had removed it. I tried to "round" it so I did not make a noticeable "flat" on the barrel. Once I had the lettering gone I used 220 grit sandpaper to smooth it out, followed by 600 grit to polish it. Then I finished up with the Dremel Tool polisher.



Looks a lot better to me ...

I removed it from the Ruger SR1911 also ..


That was easier to remove. Most of it came off using a typewriter eraser. Fine sandpaper finished it. To make the finish match the bead-blasted stainless I laid some 220 grit sandpaper on the polished area and tapped it with a light plastic mallet. It took a little while but eventually I got it close.


I am not recommending this to anyone .. just sharing a bit of my craziness.

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