cuatros y tiples colombianos.....

by RayLee, Monday, December 12, 2022, 13:34 (648 days ago) @ Paul

really piques the imagination. First of all, cuatro intimates four or at least four pairs. Then when you browse seller's sites or watch "toob" videos you see five pair and very odd (to me anyhow) tuning. As for the tiple, it is said that despite the traditional odd tuning, modern players "chicago" tune that is to say d-g-b-e like the high four of the ubiquitous guitar. I could play that no problem and getting to show folk your permanently grooved finger tips is a bonus:-).....but spending all that time incessantly retuning could prove a hassle.

Speaking of sore (fretting) fingertips, every time my middle grandson (the one with the robert plant hair) whines about his lessons I show him these little girls.....

The music of iglesia pentecostal chilenas is amazing to me. They never seem to tire or complain of sore fingers.

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