Going on two years since they backordered

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, November 24, 2022, 10:48 (666 days ago)

some 327 Magnum brass, I still drop in and check with Starline Brass to see what's up and what they've been working on. Right now they've got 38 S&W brass in stock. I've not 38 S$W but always wanted one to play with the old 380/200 load or an approximation there of. For some reason I've always had a hankering for a 38 S$W with six inch barrel and adjustable sights. Not by any stretch of the imagination a practical package, but it seems like it'd be a hoot to play with. Anyway, if anyone's needing 38 S&W brass, Starline's got it in stock. Along with a few other oddball calibers. Two years will go by in January - and they still haven't fulfilled my 327 Magnum backorder...

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