I can post here what I might not post other places.

by JimT, Texas, Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 06:39 (667 days ago) @ AkRay


Like the time my wife and I were butchering some black bears in the kitchen. I had this skinned ... cleaned carcass with no head or paws laying on the floor and my Dad came to see what was going on. He said, "Do you mind if I cut off some meat and try it?" and I told him to go ahead. So he got out his knife and cut off a small slab of meat and started frying it on the stove.

We continued working on the bear and soon Dad was chewing on the meat. I stood up and looked down at the bear carcass and said, "Amazing how that looks almost human. What if that is a big old Indian instead of a bear?"

Dad kept eating and said, "Too late now!" :-D

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