A while back...

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 09:25 (710 days ago) @ JimT
edited by Paul, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 15:32

a friend was with me at a local gunshow up in the US. A friend from down here. ;-) We saw a little Jennings on a table (yeah, I know) and the price was in line with what I'd be willing to pay as I'd wanted to play with one for a while (it's the little 22 LR version). So I stepped over, handed the man the money, picked up the pistol and stuck it in my pocket. "See? That's how it's SUPPOSED to work in a free country!" Two private individuals conducting business to mutual satisfaction. It drives control freaks nuts!

But I'm a guest here so the offers to acquire unpapered firearms are turned down. But I understand why a lot of folks will run the risk of a 10 year minimum prison sentence in order to have the means to protect themselves and loved ones. And that's also part of the reason corpses turn up downstream occasionally. Easier to dispose of a threat than to face the consequences of having done so with with an unpapered firearm. And no one sees nothin', as the saying goes.

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