New levergun

by jgt, Wednesday, September 07, 2022, 11:56 (744 days ago) @ Slow Hand

I got my Sister-in-law one like that in 357. It had a seven pound trigger but I managed to bring it down to five with no creep and very crisp. I could do better but didn't dare with someone not as experienced with them. I only had to drift the sight over a slight amount to get it on target.
Watch taking it apart. They have some razor sharp edges inside especially where the bottom plate and receiver meet. I just broke the edge with a deburring tool and it was fine, but not before donating some blood to the cause.
Congratulation on finding one in good enough condition to shoot. I took a big chance since I got it on line. I was relieve after inspecting it. The sights were fine and the fit and finish were not as good as my JB Marlin 44 magnum, but good enough to shoot and use for its intended purpose.

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