Raining Hard This Afternoon .. and we needed it!

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, August 23, 2022, 09:15 (759 days ago) @ JimT

Sheri and I spent four hours in the plane on the runway in Houston last Friday, waiting for the storm to let up so we could all head south. On the positive side that meant less time in the airport in Panama and the area really needed the moisture. So win/win. We were glad that it was clear enough here in Pereira so we weren't sent off to some other port of entry, lack of rain has not been a problem here for some time.

Fuzzy sights are a real problem. I'm almost tempted to try one of those HiViz type front sights to see if that'd improve things. They're ugly, unattractive and give a very different sight picture than I'm used to, so haven't gotten that desperate yet. A couple of 10" 4.5 mm barrels somehow managed to find their way south so I'm going to try that first - longer radius MAY improve the sight picture. Don't know if it'll be enough for low light or not, only one way to find out. The 4" 38, on the other hand, is what it is and I just have to do what I can to shoot it as is.

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