Since the hard rain yesterday critters have been out this AM

by JimT, Texas, Tuesday, August 23, 2022, 08:21 (759 days ago)

looking for food. When I got out of bed this morning I looked out the window to see if it was still raining. I saw something moving around in the yard and thought it was a rabbit. I put on my glasses and realized it was a big old armadillo.

I grabbed the cut-down Model 67 Winchester and some CCI Mini Mags and went out the door in my underwear ... my grandson and his Daddy following me to see what I was up to. The dillo was working the yard, digging for grubs etc and I moved slow until I was about 25 feet from him and then I stopped him from looking for food.

This Model 67 was made between 1935 and 1944 ... because it has no finger grooves in the stock, there is no "W" logo on the trigger guard and bolt and cocking piece are chromed.

I shortened the barrel to 16 1/2" and also shortened the stock and the forend so it fits the grandsons better. I have been using it to give them firearms safety lessons and shooting lessons.



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