by JimT, Texas, Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 09:52 (850 days ago)

- Time is not more important than people.

- It is good to learn to grieve with those that grieve.

- Happiness does not consist of stuff. It consists of people you love and who love you.

- Nothing in life is perfect. The most beautiful country in the world has mosquitoes!

- You can have an amazing life without electricity, air conditioning or running water. But those things are nice.

- The art of waiting.

- The joy of people.

- That joy is not connected with circumstances.

- To be content with what you have.

- To live in the grace of one day at a time.

- That a mango eaten in the shade of a tree on a hot day is more refreshing when shared with a friend.

- That sometimes asking questions is better than giving instructions.

- Even those in poverty are loving, kind, giving and enjoy sharing what they have.

- The rich are not people with a lot of stuff. The rich are people who need the least.

- Patience

- The importance of being WITH someone today! Appreciating them NOW! And communicating that to them in the moment!

- The strength of children.

- The harmony of love despite differences.

- The exterior of a person means little to nothing. It's what they are inside, that is vital.

- The power of community in the Holy Spirit.

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