On the Range with a 1911

by JimT, Texas, Saturday, May 21, 2022, 08:27 (853 days ago)

Last week I spent some time on the range with my carry 1911. It's a Filipino-built gun that was a present to me from a close friend when I moved back the States after Twyla passed. I have been carrying and shooting it now for 6 years.


The ivory grips were a gift from Paul Persinger. He said I shouldn't be carrying a 1911 without ivory on it. I told him it was like putting a $40 saddle on a $20 horse.

At the range I spread a tarp to catch my empties. When I am done shooting I roll it up, fold it so it stays shut. At home I just pour them into a bucket and then into the case cleaner. Keeps my work load to a minimum.

This time at the Range I was just running through some drills .. shooting at unmarked paper plates at 15 yards. I had 3 plated tacked up. I would pull the gun and put a shot on each plate ... not trying for speed but just for muscle memory .. proper grip .. catching the front sight. I found years ago you don't have to practice for speed. Practice for consistency. When you get an adrenaline rush you will get fast without trying. If you have practiced the basics you will do it right.

I also practiced putting multiple shots on single and multiple targets. Nothing fancy. Just trying to hold the gun right.

Then I shot a few groups at 15 yards. The load is a Lyman 225 gr. cast RN sized .452" and lubed with Paco's Apache Blue over 4.0 gr. Bullseye. Seems fairly accurate if I do my part.



The old gun has been reliable and works well. It does what it is supposed to do and that's all I need.

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