Lunar Eclipse

by Paul ⌂, Monday, May 16, 2022, 08:28 (858 days ago)

I'm no photographer, but had a blast trying to record last night's eclipse. I dragged out the old Canon DSLR and set it up on a tripod looking out our bedroom window. It was at a bad angle to get a view so that kept me from getting the moon centered in the pictures. And it took me a while to find a setting that would work. Here's a shot of the moon as it was completely within the shadow. I was amazed at how clear it was last night and at the stars that showed up in the pictures. There's usually too much light pollution to see them.

The light area at the top, right corner of the picture is light reflecting off the overhang. The moon was high enough in the sky to make shooting it out the window quite a challenge.


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