
by jgt, Sunday, April 03, 2022, 09:42 (901 days ago) @ pokynojoe
edited by jgt, Monday, April 04, 2022, 09:14

Do not handle them without gloves or be sure to clean up with disinfectant very well after handling because they do carry leprocy. The shell is easy to skin away, it is the skin on the under side and legs that is the hardest part to skin out. The meat is great tasting and most people that do not know what they are eating think it is great. Then when they find out, sometimes the reaction is interesting. When shooting them, I try for the head. Even then, they can put on quite a show. Jumping, back flips, and running around in circles. Some just lay over dead. They mostly come at night to dig in your yard, but if you get up early in the morning you can catch them still foraging. Their vision is not the best, but if they do spot you they can run pretty fast.
The town of Kyle is just off I37 and has been there many years. Onion Creek runs along the north side of town and is nice when there is a year with normal rain fall. Just a short distance west of there is what is known as Hill Country. It is not flat.

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