Prayer request

by Murphy @, Monday, June 18, 2012, 06:55 (4489 days ago)

Today at 1:00PM I have a dear friend going in for heart surgery. He has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. He is operation with only 10% of his heart. They were going to insert stents last week but the veins were too weak. The next day his cardiologist consulted with another and his heart is too weak for bypass surgery.
They made the decision Friday to try a couple of stents today.

The mans name is Danny Randall. He and I have been dear friends for over 40 years now. Danny got me into black powder shooting and hunting over 25 years ago. We've been down a lot of a roads and are close as brothers. I can't honestly begin to add up how many deer seasons we've spent together over the past 30 years.

So please, place Danny Randall in your prayers today.



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